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Spinning South week 77: San Felipe de Oña to Zumba.

Why is it that when you are in your “nothing box” you come up with the most brilliant ideas, think of the most beautiful sentences and construct a great story, but once you find the time to write them down they have all gone? I can go into my nothing box when biking is not too difficult, not too strenuous and preferably monotone. Bit like getting in a runners high.

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Spinning South: Puerto Cayo to Guayaquil

How silence can sooth the nerves. Being at a place without sound pollution, only the crashing of the waves. Think about all the noise pollution our civilization is forcing up on us. When was the last time you did not hear any artificial sound?

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Spinning South: La Maná to Puerto Cayo

Flat, good roads, give me the opportunity to think, reflect and wonder while biking. You maybe think you have all the time thinking while biking but if speeding downhill you need all your concentration to make it down as fast and safe as possible.

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Spinning South: Cotopaxi to La Maná

Ever wondered about the force of nature creating our earth? Massive volcanoes, tip peeking out of the earth as a dimple that just erupted, covered in dusty snow. Volcanoes created this landscape, they are still changing the surface of the earth, but with lower impact than humans do on day-to-day basis.

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