Bikeflow: Finally on my way!

It was not as easy to depart on my trip as I first thought, haha.
Now I’m off to eat müsli with water in the mornings and rice to almost every meal I cook, cold showers and wearing the same clothes over and over. I will sleep in the weirdest places, meet the most amazing people and have a shit load of fun 😀 I will learn how it is to edit my footage on the go, write blog posts and trying to create interesting content as often as possible. It will be a ride of a lifetime. I’ve never taken on a more serious approach to something so simple 😉
The time spent in Orlando culminated as I met IRONREVENGE, the worlds largest “street legal” 4X4 truck. I got the privilege to meet the builder, driver and the host of the vehicle, Gman. We got really good friends and I helped him put up a canopy covering IRONREVENGE from sun and rain.
If you watched the video I you know that there lives an otter behind Manny’s RV. On Friday, it took me four weeks to spot it, I saw it! A cute but vicious fish-catcher was running by the channel of water and as it saw me it jumped right in. I tried to get it on video but Im-Poss-Iblé, I never saw it again.
I can’t put it into words, I’m off cycling! So-Long Orlando, until next time! Now let’s put some real content in to this project!
*You can chat with Marcus any time you want. Join his chatbox on discord. See the video if you want to know how.